NBPC Local 2554 represents the Border Patrol Agents of the El Centro Sector, who, on a daily basis, are assaulted by smugglers and detainees. Our Sector is constantly the number one Sector for use of force incidents and number four for assaults on Agents. This makes Union representation essential. When one of our Agents is involved in a critical incident, writing a use of force memo, involved in a vehicle accident, faced with false allegations, FBI, OIG, OPR and MIT interviews, oral replies for corrective action, help with grievances and EEO complaints we are here to help 24/7.


Where do your Union dues go?

The union dues for Local 2554 are $37.36 every pay period, beginning in January of 2021. There are 26 pay periods in a year, divided by 12 months, so your monthly union dues equal approximately $80.16 per month.  This $80.16 goes directly to AFGE.  AFGE takes $21.41 per month and sends the remaining $58.75 to NBPC.  NBPC takes $28.00 per month and sends the remaining $30.75 to local 2554.  When the bi-monthly amount of $37.36 leaves your paycheck, $15.37 goes to your local.

What do you receive for your $30.75 monthly contribution to Local 2554? Union representatives are available to help with memorandums, grievances and the entire disciplinary process should you ever be accused in any way. This includes additional local attorneys should your case proceed to legal action. Local 2554 can bring Agent’s issues to your Station’s Patrol Agent In Charge, the Sector Chief Patrol Agent, or the Local Press.  Agents are eligible to participate in the Dental Plan and any grievance or lawsuit that is brought against the agency. As stated above, this will include the coming lawsuits against California and DHS/CBP.

What do you receive for your $28 monthly contribution to the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC)?  NBPC is the biggest contributor to PORAC paying $700,000.00 per year.  This allows you to call PORAC and be assigned an Attorney when you have been involved in a use of force incident, a critical incident or are the subject of an accusation by the general public or detainee.  NBPC also reimburses Local 2554 for training and technology up to $10,000 per year. This ensures that your local representatives have up-to-date training on how to resolve your issues. NBPC can bring Agent’s issues to the President, Congress, and the National Press.  Agents are eligible to participate in any lawsuit that is brought against the agency at the National level. Please visit www.BPunion.org for further information.

What do you receive for your $21.41 monthly contribution to the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE)? AFGE is the largest federal employee union proudly representing 700,000 federal and D.C. government workers nationwide and overseas. Workers in virtually all functions of government at every federal agency depend upon AFGE for legal representation, legislative advocacy, technical expertise and informational services. AFGE provides comprehensive services for members including legal, legislative, communications, technical, educational, political, and union-building assistance. Member benefits also offer thousands in potential savings. There are discounts you can receive from phone companies, credit card companies, and vehicle rental companies simply by visiting the AFGE website. See your local representative if you need your AFGE member number. AFGE believes that all unions should belong to the house of labor and has been nationally affiliated with the AFL-CIO since AFGE was founded in 1932. At AFGE's national convention in 1997, the delegates took the importance of affiliation one step further, voting for each of its Locals to affiliate with their AFL-CIO state federations. This makes AFGE one of the few nationally affiliated unions to have all its Locals affiliated at the state level. Please visit www.AFGE.org for further information.